
Program NameSiSoft Sandra Standard for Windows
Program Version99.3.5.0
Report Done ByYves
System ID1192
Run ID3477
Report Done Onjeudi 20 janvier 2000
Report Done At15:29:51

CPU Benchmark

Benchmark Results
Current Processor, ChipsetCPU: 402 MIPS, FPU: 129 MFLOPS
Intel PII 450, BX, 512K SYCPU: 1220 MIPS, FPU: 590 MFLOPS
AMD K6-2 400, MVP3, 512K PBCPU: 1165 MIPS, FPU: 475 MFLOPS
Intel P266MMX, TX, 512K PBCPU: 630 MIPS, FPU: 300 MFLOPS
IDT WinChip2 266, MVP3, 512K PBCPU: 529 MIPS, FPU: 163 MFLOPS

Processor(s)Cyrix 6x86-S 149MHz
Performance RatingPR199 (estimated)
CPU Load100%
Number Of Threads62

CPU Multi-Media Benchmark

Benchmark Results
Current Processor, ChipsetCPU: Integer ALU: 135, Floating-Point FPU: 57 it/s
Intel PII 450, BX, 512K SYCPU: Integer MMX: 1130, Floating-Point FPU: 655 it/s
AMD K6-2 400, MVP3, 512K PBCPU: Integer MMX: 1060, Floating-Point 3DNow!: 800 it/s
Intel P266MMX, TX, 512K PBCPU: Integer MMX: 630, Floating-Point FPU: 215 it/s
IDT WinChip2 266, MVP3, 512K PBCPU: Integer MMX: 480, Floating-Point 3DNow!: 400 it/s

Processor(s)Cyrix 6x86-S 149MHz
Performance RatingPR199 (estimated)
MMX (MultiMedia eXtensions) TechnologyNo
3DNow! TechnologyNo
SSE (Streaming SIMD) TechnologyNo
CPU Load100%
Number Of Threads61

Performance Tips
Warning W5500No MMX support, integer test was executed on the ALU.
Warning W5501No 3DNow!/SSE support, floating-point test was executed on the FPU.

Memory Benchmark

Benchmark Results
Current Memory SystemCPU/Mem: 83 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 77 MB/s
Intel PII 450, BX, 128MB SDRAM, 512K SYCPU/Mem: 290 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 270 MB/s
AMD K6-2 400, MVP3, 128MB SDRAM, 512kB PBCPU/Mem: 100 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 105 MB/s
P266MMX, iTX, 64M EDO, 512K PBCPU/Mem: 103 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 105 MB/s
IDT WinChip2 266, 64MB EDO, 512K PBCPU/Mem: 92 MB/s, FPU/Mem: 98 MB/s

CPU (Integer STREAM) Results Breakdown
DWORD Size32-bit

FPU (Float STREAM) Memory Results Breakdown
Double Float Size64-bit

Memory Statistics
Total Physical Memory64MB